Vision and Mission
Menuju 2032
Rencana Strategis 2022-2025
Rencana Strategis FEB UHO 2022-2025
Vision of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UHO:
By 2019, becoming a leading faculty in producing human resources with noble character, skills, academic culture, and intelligence in the fields of economics and business for the welfare of maritime and rural communities."*
Leading refers to the ability to produce graduates who meet the Work Competency Standards based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), serving as planners, consultants, researchers in the fields of development/business and finance, as well as entrepreneurs capable of managing businesses across various sectors (economic sectors) based on local economic potential. Achieving a certain recognized standard in the implementation of the three pillars of higher education: education and teaching, research and development, and community service. These standards are aligned with those set by Halu Oleo University. Additionally, a leading FEB can also be measured by the quality of scientific works produced, including the contributions of its academic community in various scientific and societal activities at regional, national, and international levels.
Noble Character refers to the level of human dignity or the academic community's dignity, which is rooted in fundamental beliefs in religious values, noble values, and respect for human rights based on the principles of equality and justice.
Skilled indicates that education is conducted with an orientation towards the use of Information Technology (IT) so that students and lecturers can utilize it for education, research, and community service purposes.
Academic Culture means that in all its activities, the academic community will consistently innovate to find effective and efficient methods, possess competence and capability, be knowledgeable, understand how to implement science and technology effectively and uphold professionalism through a culture of reading, thinking, writing, and reflection.
Intelligent encompasses: spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, intellectual intelligence, and kinesthetic intelligence.
Spiritual intelligence is the ability to self-actualize through the cultivation of the heart/mind to nurture and strengthen faith, piety, and noble morals, including noble character and excellent personality.
Emotional intelligence involves self-actualization through the cultivation of sensitivity and appreciation for the refinement and beauty of art, culture, and the competence to express them.
Social intelligence is realized through self-actualization and social interaction, which includes: (a) fostering and nurturing reciprocal relationships; (b) being democratic; (c) showing empathy and sympathy; (d) upholding human rights; (e) being cheerful and confident; (f) appreciating diversity in society and the state; and (g) having a national perspective with awareness of the rights and duties of citizens.
Intellectual intelligence is the ability to self-actualize through the cultivation of thought to acquire competence and independence in science and technology, characterized by being critical, creative, innovative, and imaginative.
Kinesthetic intelligence is manifested through sports to create healthy, fit, resilient, agile, and skilled individuals.
By 2019, becoming a leading faculty in producing human resources with noble character, skills, academic culture, and intelligence in the fields of economics and business for the welfare of maritime and rural communities."*
Leading refers to the ability to produce graduates who meet the Work Competency Standards based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), serving as planners, consultants, researchers in the fields of development/business and finance, as well as entrepreneurs capable of managing businesses across various sectors (economic sectors) based on local economic potential. Achieving a certain recognized standard in the implementation of the three pillars of higher education: education and teaching, research and development, and community service. These standards are aligned with those set by Halu Oleo University. Additionally, a leading FEB can also be measured by the quality of scientific works produced, including the contributions of its academic community in various scientific and societal activities at regional, national, and international levels.
Noble Character refers to the level of human dignity or the academic community's dignity, which is rooted in fundamental beliefs in religious values, noble values, and respect for human rights based on the principles of equality and justice.
Skilled indicates that education is conducted with an orientation towards the use of Information Technology (IT) so that students and lecturers can utilize it for education, research, and community service purposes.
Academic Culture means that in all its activities, the academic community will consistently innovate to find effective and efficient methods, possess competence and capability, be knowledgeable, understand how to implement science and technology effectively and uphold professionalism through a culture of reading, thinking, writing, and reflection.
Intelligent encompasses: spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, intellectual intelligence, and kinesthetic intelligence.
Spiritual intelligence is the ability to self-actualize through the cultivation of the heart/mind to nurture and strengthen faith, piety, and noble morals, including noble character and excellent personality.
Emotional intelligence involves self-actualization through the cultivation of sensitivity and appreciation for the refinement and beauty of art, culture, and the competence to express them.
Social intelligence is realized through self-actualization and social interaction, which includes: (a) fostering and nurturing reciprocal relationships; (b) being democratic; (c) showing empathy and sympathy; (d) upholding human rights; (e) being cheerful and confident; (f) appreciating diversity in society and the state; and (g) having a national perspective with awareness of the rights and duties of citizens.
Intellectual intelligence is the ability to self-actualize through the cultivation of thought to acquire competence and independence in science and technology, characterized by being critical, creative, innovative, and imaginative.
Kinesthetic intelligence is manifested through sports to create healthy, fit, resilient, agile, and skilled individuals.
Misi Fakultas EKonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) UHO adalah:
- Menyelenggarakan pelayanan pendidikan berbasis riset dibidang ekonomi maritim dan pedesaan yang berdaya saing dan terintegrasi dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi.
- Mengembangkan dan menerapkan hasil-hasil penelitian unggulan di bidang ekonomi dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berorientasi pada peningkatan pemahaman ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat; publikasi nasional dan internasional serta perolehan HaKI;
- Menguatkan sistem tata kelola fakultas yang berorientasi pada pelayanan prima yang akuntabel, transparan dan terpercaya, sehingga menjadi jaminan pelaksanan tridharma serta tanggungjawab institusi kepada para pemangku kepentingan;
- Mengembangkan potensi mahasiswa dibidang kerohanian dan karakter, penalaran, olahraga, seni budaya, dan kewirausahaan, yang mendukung kecerdasan di bidang ilmu ekonomi untuk membangun atmosfir akademik fakultas di tingkat nasional dan internasional;
- Mengembangkan lingkungan kampus yang bersih, indah, sejuk dan aman yang dilandasi oleh nilai-nilai kejujuran, adil, gotong royong, adaptif, disiplin, kreativ, inovatif, toleran, dan amanah untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi pada tingkat fakultas.
- Meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan sistem penjaminan mutu Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis